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Showing posts from May, 2016


"Kita namakan dia Qawiy. Sebab mata dia sakit. Semoga dia kuat untuk hidup. Dapt lawan sakit tu. Maksud Qawiy kan kuat? "- Ira,2016. *** 2014, Hey baby, u're born pagi-pagi. Tapi, takda siapa peduli. Sampailah satu hari, hujan lebat meratah lantai bumi. "Kakak, anak kucing kat belakang tu bising" "Memanglah, belakang takda atap. Basah kuyup." "Amiklah letak depan" Hey baby, i take your all brothers and sisters togethor with your mummy to the front porch. But still, your mum was scared of the strong thunder. "Comel tak nak duduk luar. Dia masuk dalam ni" "Eh keluarkan !" Hey baby, your mum was a very degil one. I had no choice. Akak buka payung, letak tepi bakul. Niatnya, tak nak kasi tempias hujan. Jangan kata akak tak payung.  Sekali toleh eh, Comel dah masuk bakul. 'Okay lega .' Kakak angkat kaki nak masuk rumah. Lagi seminit nak buka pintu, eh Comel dah dulu depan pintu. Hey baby,...

Islamic Finance?

"Ikhlaskan setiap perbuatan kita. If we're really meant to be there, InshaAllah everything will be eased. Yang penting, ikhas. Usaha. Yang lain, Allah urus."- Ira,2016 *** ' Dah habis sekolah?' "Yea" 'Nak masuk mana nanti?' "Hati awak jelah " *** None of my friends knew what i'm going to pursue soon in my studies. I talked about a lot of professions. All includes Human Resource, Hotel Management, Education and etc. Ended up, all of them confused by all of the so many professions i want to go into. *** 2016 'Management' I planned to go into that field. And, i'm going to go futher into Finance. Or should i say Islamic Finance? Yea, something that people are not so fond of. 'Islamic? Tak merasalah kerja dengan tauke cina besar. Tauke cina besar gaji masyuk what' 'Why not Accounting? The pay is way better i guess.' This is one of the so many reasons why i keep my final decision under my mouth. ...