"Ikhlaskan setiap perbuatan kita. If we're really meant to be there, InshaAllah everything will be eased. Yang penting, ikhas. Usaha. Yang lain, Allah urus."- Ira,2016
'Dah habis sekolah?'
'Nak masuk mana nanti?'
"Hati awak jelah"
None of my friends knew what i'm going to pursue soon in my studies. I talked about a lot of professions. All includes Human Resource, Hotel Management, Education and etc. Ended up, all of them confused by all of the so many professions i want to go into.
I planned to go into that field. And, i'm going to go futher into Finance. Or should i say Islamic Finance? Yea, something that people are not so fond of.
'Islamic? Tak merasalah kerja dengan tauke cina besar. Tauke cina besar gaji masyuk what'
'Why not Accounting? The pay is way better i guess.'
This is one of the so many reasons why i keep my final decision under my mouth. Not to produce any hatred here, it is just my simple 2cent. So, no war.
Why IsFi? Because, i hate the way money manipulates people. I hate the way money leads our life. I hate the way people keep on treasuring money all of their life. I am not here to say that money is not important. But, i'm more into this...
"Why people being so ignorant/simply forgets the proper way on how to deal with money. How to plan their financial. How to make sure their money is 'clean'"
Thats it.
Once upon a time, just between the 10 years ago limit, i went to Tabung Haji's tower. I forgot the reason why i was there. But i still remember how i ended up going into a department that i shouldn't get into. Tersesat lol. It was a department that control the flow of money among our people.
Oh my God. Is it clear ? I don't think so but, i can hardly remember the name specifically. Can't help,sorry.
Basically, it is a department where people are announce as 'bankrupt/blacklisted/lost property and etc.
The surrounding wasn't good. I feel quite bad for them.
That's one of the reason why i want to go into this field. I want to help these people.
Probably i can be their consultant. Or i could try my best to help them solve their financial problems.
"I want people to handle their money flow\financial planinng ,simply just the way Islam taught us. I want to stop discrimination. I want to stop riba' too."
So, i applied Foundation of Science Management in Iium. Because Arabic is compulsory in Iium and it will give me extra benefits since that final semester of degree in IsFi requires Arabic too. So it is good!
Furthermore, one of my senior already told me.
"I'll give my books and references to you later. I'm going into the same route as you!"
In addition, i passed the requirements needed in order to go into this field. I took Account Principle last year and i scored quite well.
Alhamdulillah. Which was out of my expectation! My route in Accounting wasn't so smooth. You know, during Form 4, i thought that Acc is so easy.
"Simply about debit, credit, equity and etc"
So we asked the teacher (which was a guru ganti because our teacher retired already) to not teach, so we can do our homework during Acc.
Basically, i studied Acc until April only lol. And i played a lot. I didn't took any extra classes like what my classmates did. And i live happily until the final semester examination.
"The questions were damn bad. I feel like a total fool at that moment. But still, i didn't cry just like what happened during Add Maths lol."
The result was out. I got a perfect C there! My first C in form 4 was like a total disaster. Because Acc was an elective subject and the whole family started to questions me.
'I scored C at a wrong subject'
"Can you really do it? Do you want to drop? I don't think that you should take an extra subject if you can't. You better quit. And blabla"
There were so much pressure.
Therefore, haduh macam formal essay therefore bagai lol. My friends and i decided to get an extra classes during the school break in December.
And, we covered the whole syllabus of Account just in a month. It was tiring enough.
But it worth my time and money. I finally understand what is Accounting omo omo omo.
Tough life isn't ? Nay, you can't feel my struggle for sure.
Because of those things mentioned above, i want to do something with Account. I want to discover a lot more. Despite that i'm a big fan of biology. Because biology needs you to cuts animal and i can't ugh.
Thats why, i choose IsFi.
'You're a science stream class student but you're not going for science?'
The most typical question ever.
"I'd go for Engineering" *dengan kadar 15% confirmation*
'Love Bio but not doctor?'
This hurts a lot of time.
"Nope, not doctor"
After all, IsFi,
We're not meant to be togethor. Eventough i've been planning so good. I'd struggled my best for Accounting last year, it just that.
"Takdir Allah menentukan segalanya"
"Sometimes love can hurt."
"He's the best planner."
"Kita merancang, Allah pun merancang. But between us, Allah knows a lot better. Everything will be fine."
You know, it was quite hard for me to finally 'redha' that i'm going into engineering instead of IsFi.
I'll write the struggle later, we'll see.
"Rupa-rupanya yang cuma 15% keyakinan itu, mampu mengatasi cinta kita yang hampir menjangkau 101%. Eh"- Ira,2016.
" Kalau tak aku, semoga yang lain mampu. Kurangkan bebanan mereka, bantu mereka. Andai aku tak mampu, kalianlah bantu. Kepada kalian, si bakal graduan IsFi"- Ira,2016.