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Define idola?
Selalunya, we come out with 'orang yang kita adore,minat etc'.
But then, i just did a very simple research on what does 'idol' really stands for. My first intention was to go into Wikipedia and find out the best definition of 'idol' to paste the information here.And to my surprise, i found a very new & shocking information which i quoted for a reference.

'Mengikut takrifan kamus Oxford (Edisi ketiga 2001), IDOL dalam bahasa Inggeris membawa maksud patung; berhala; pujaan; orang atau benda yang terlampau disanjung. Dalam konteks pengunaan, perkataan ini lebih sesuai menjurus kepada pemujaan benda, patung atau berhala. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan jelas melalui beberapa terbitan perkataan lain seperti berikut
1. IDOLATRY = Penyembahan berhala
2. IDOLATER = Penyembah berhala; musyrikin
3. IDOLATROUS = (Bersifat) menyembah atau memuja
4. IDOLIZE = (Terlampau) menyanjung.
5. IDOLIZATION = Pemujaan; pendewaan."

Kesahihannya, wallahualam. But i did googled 'meaning of idolater' and few word shown above.
It is true that idolater really stands for 'penyembah berhala'. So,it would be better for me to replace the word idol into ikon (in my writing below because i want to share something for my own reminder regarding this topic).


Few weeks ago,i came out with a very simple survey on my few contacts.
The survey was mainly about 'who do you adore in life?'
I received a lot of responses. Some were giving positive feedbacks and shared their list on people whom they adored and why they choose that persons. While some of them come out with negative feedback since that i was doing the survey without any reminder or whatever to inform them that it was a survey. Surely because i need a real and true answers. Let ne share few of the responses,
"I never think of any,yet."
"Hm,a new senior in my campus can? I heard he is a top scorer for few years."
"It just you. Really you." (The best answer though,but never mind do not take this into account)
"Ada list. Nak semua nama ke?"
"Taknak adore siapa-siapa. I wanna live my own life hapily"
"Classmate aku,named......."


Basically, i don't have any for now (which brought me into this survey) I heard one says :
Those who don't have idol,sorry but you got no point of living a life. No reference,no guidance?

I disagree,sorry.


My few reasons why i don't have any for the time being, of course i had few before.
My first person whom i adore was a very ordinary guy. Few years older than me (mind you that this was few years ago).
He was freaking nice. I bet he never talk to girls. He was the most obedient boy i've ever seen in life. He listened to his parents very best. Sacrificed a lot even at young age. But the main point was, he looked exclusive by the way he maintained himself 'out of girls approach'.
I admired him for 5 years! But plot twisted, turned out he likes me. The whole thing spread out like a widfire!
Ya tuhan, sebaik-baik hati manusia,janganlah dirosakkan hati itu kerana seorang ira.
I was so sad because he breaks the exclusive point which i gave him. I stop admiring.


My second trial was still on guy. Idk why i flirt so much ok no just kidding. He is years older. He is a.... i don't know how to say. He is gifted. He is a beloved 'anak angkat' of a very famous ustaz in Msia and i know him very well yes. My first thought on him in 2011 : (that kind of thought though, menyesal saya hm hahahahaha)
Whoever married him would be the best girl ever in the world.
In 2016, something just happened. Again,plot twisted. (Don't ask why) I stop admiring.


Third, i adore this one model. Hijabista. She looks so nice and sweet and i like her attitude really though. Even just on paper, she looks so soft and nice!
Turned out, i meet her few weeks ago. I REALLY MET HER THOUGH! And she doesn't look really like what i expected. Her real life, i mean. Opposing my kind of thought. I then,stop admiring.


The silliest one, i've been adoring those who wears spectacle.
"Bestnya pakai spek."
"Untung bergaya ah pakai spek"
"Tukar-tukar spek lagi, hm bestnya"
"Lepastu nampak pandai,nerdy and stok2 professor"
Sampailah, seorang ira terlupa erti syukur. Terlupa nikmat penglihatan yang diberi Tuhan. Terlupa betapa berharganya setiap pemberian.
April, 2015. Officially having a short sightedness. Fun enough ira?
"Spek is pricy!"
"Ruined my scarf well!"
"Can't see well when i left spek at home!"
"Really hurts, wanna have a healththy eyes back!"
See, terlupa lagi bersyukur. Nikmat melihat masih ada, cuma ditarik sedikit. Tetap mengeluh. Alhamdulillah mana? Sehingga lupa nak bersangka baik dengan Allah. Dashatnya penangan 'admire'.


"Ada masa, terlampau puja,suka sesuatu perkara, sampai lupa nikmat yang ada. (Benda biasa,cuma kita lupa,kita buat juga,tapi salahkan manusia yang lain). Kita nampak zahir senangnya dia,luka dalam tersimpan. Kita tak nampak sampailah kita rasa. Hargai apa yang ada,jangan terlalu suka sampai terlupa,terleka."- Ira,2016.


And my final trial was on a women. She is a very famous icon. I called her 'a true label of muslimah'. I've been watching he smooth gestures and tv and been hoping that we'll meet uo someday. Alhamdulillah we really meet recently! We even talk to each other. But you know what happened?
I love her.
She is nice.
But,i starts to complaint a few little things on her. I found her flaws which make her drop a few degree of 'that label' which i gave her.


I know that you're reading the whole stories while saying ,
"Wtf (wallahi too funny) though ira, you think everyone is perfect? Not even you,girl. Not even you!!!"

And that's the answer which i just got from the survey.

"Manusia, harapan pada manusia kadangnya terlalu tinggi. Tak kenal,tapi kata suka. Kita expect sesuatu pada manusia lain. Letakkan level tertentu pada manusia lain. Sampai satu masa, kita kenal manusia itu. Kita tahu baik buruk dia. Mula kita rasa, dia tak sempurna. Tak ikut piawai kita. Tak sehebat yang kita sangka. Hanya kerana, tak mencapai sasaran kita yang juga digelar manusia."
"Manusia,kadang-kadang lupa. Buat-buat lupa. Sempurnya kita,tiada. Manusia dilahirkan dengan kehebatan masing-masing yang akan diperkata. Kuatnya setiap manusia tak sama,lemahnya berbeza. Tapi kita skeptikal. Samakan semua manusia,cari yang terbaik. Terlupa lagi, manusia tu ada lemahnya sendiri. Kosong yang lemah itu terisi dengan kuatnya manusia lain."
"Manusia,jangan mengharap pada kesempurnaan manusia lain. Kita tahu siapa yang selayak-layaknya disuka. Dijadikan ikutan,tauladan. Kenapa berpayah pilih yang lain." -Ira,2016.

There's no wrong to get someone as your 'spirit buider' and adore their special character which may be the same chracter as you,or you're both pursuing the 'almost same' route of journey. And if they really helps you in motivation and spirit, no wrong. Get one as you wish! But remember the limits.
And when someone got no person to adore, let them be. Its their life,they'll manage it well.
Till the end.


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