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"Dear PETRONAS Youngstars,

You are selected to attend the Outward Bound School (OBS) camp that will be held on 7th to 13th January 2018. You attendance is COMPULSORY."

Gg kem masa sem break, siapa suka? Khabar angin kata, ni kem ekstreme. 
Kem ekspedisi.
Kem tak mandi.
Kem whaling.
Kem kayak.
Senang kata, ramai dah pergi, ramai yang koyak.
Okay, noted. 

Lari? Buat apa, baik pergi. (Untung takyah bayar sendiri, syukur sikit jangan tolak rezeki. Kem mahal ni.)

"Barang kau dah cukup?"
'Belum. Raincoat takde.'
"Sleeping bag?"
'Takde gak'
'Wet shoes pun takde ni'
7 hb Januari 2018

'Mana officer Petronas? Kami dah sampai OB ni'

"Baiklah, kalian akan dibahagi ikut group. Setiap kumpulan akan dapat sorang instructor. Kamu semua amanah kami." - pegawai OB

'Owh officer Petronas takde lah ni. Okay'

Watch Ledang - Instructor Abang Man 

"Wah, Abang Man muka baik! Rambut sikat belah tepi, InshaAllah tak reti mendera ni."

"Handphone, makanan & purse semua boleh serah pada saya lepas ni."- Abg Man

Ice breaking done.
Group member macam hm je. (Padahal tak kenal maka tak cinta)
Hari berganti hari, jam berganti minit, saat berganti seiring detik jam yang berputar, hm sesungguhnya kami menghitung hari untuk pulang.

5 hari lagi. Utp ! Utp !

Gg, kayak tadi sumpah koyak. (koyak tu maksudnya penat, barai macam takleh go. Ha cemtulah). 20km plus plus kayak pusing Pangkor. Fuh, not ez!

Lari dari formation gais, lari.
Awal-awal cantik molek belakang captain. Tiba-tiba tangan krem. Krem gais.
Hilang pandangan, terabur kayuh. Tertinggal jauh.
Sungguh, kami kini di sweeper.

Awal-awal cuaca behave. Sungguh redup saujana mata memandang.
Tiba-tiba, laut gelora. Kayak kene hempas. Kayak langgar-langgar. Kayak hanyut ke tengah. Kayuh ke kiri tetap ke tengah. Kayuh ke kanan tetap ke kiri. Sunnguh ombak bagai benci kami.

Tiba-tiba angin kuat. Kuat sangat.

Tiba-tiba,turun hujan. Kami gigil. Kami sejuk. Tapi kami tetap kayuh.

Tiba-tiba kapal lalu. Kami lari. Kayuh kiri,kayuh kanan. Laju, laju lagi. Laju lagi. Kami tak nak mati!

"Hei kapal, jangan langgar kami!"

Tiba-tiba matahari muncul, panas. Auch, burn. Sis burn dengan jayanya. Mujur pakai glove, mujur pakai watch. Belang sikit-sikit kat tangan buat kenangan betapa putihnya aku dulu.

8 jam kayak! Kami survived.

"Tahniah, kamu semua sampai awal berbanding yg biasa!"

*muka bangga meski bahu kami dah hilang*


Whaling? Perfect!
Ledang lead all the way!
Rowers perempuan padu teruk (padahal Fahim dengan Tob lagi fx). 

Dip pull up.
Dip push up.
Ay ay captain!

Nyanyi (from patriotic song to jiwang to english song to negeri song to school song and even Wonderpet song), makan, lawak basi, barai, teka-teki, tidur : All done togethor in a whaler.

HB Whaler you are the witness!

All went smooth because Ledang is leading. 

(Let's not talk abt the challenges there bcs they're way too mainstream HAHAHAHA)

Remember this : 

"Hari berganti hari, jam berganti minit, saat berganti seiring detik jam yang berputar, hm sesungguhnya kami menghitung hari untuk pulang. 

Utp ! Utp !"

Kini tidak lagi. Gg semua dah ada chemistry. Semua tak nak move on. Semua tak nak balik. Semua suka PT

Farewell is meant to happen only when you're close is it? Haha kesian!

OBS in brief :
Too much fun which you'll only realize it when you're reaching the finishing line. 7 days are long enough for us to create thousand of memories. 
Words can be seen but feelings are meant to be kept. 
These are the lessons and experience which you'll never find them anywhere but here. (Ceh)
Abang Man baik!
Ledang baik!
Walaupun kayak tak baik tapi takpe, whaling baik!
Obs baik!

"Nak jiwang jangan jiwang sorang-sorang nanti koyak"

"Kakra seram"

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sight of the shore."
"If you wanna go fast, go alone. But if you wanna go far, go togethor!"


cheers Ledang Monster

dikir barat performance for BBQ night

face painted - denda after PT

featuring Abang Man instructor baik tapi PT keras

- 7 days with torture? Yes, but a this time around,the tortures are considered nice!-


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