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"Allah sampaikan pesanan dan peringatan kepada diri ini melalui hambanya sebagai pengantara"-Ira,2016.
19th of April 2016.
It was a calm and peace night. Thank you for all the concerns.
He knows that i'm going to live a life in dots dots dots, which is far million away from where we are. He gave me some advices. Lots of good advices.
They are very familiar with the surrounding of my soon, study institution.
So, let me share a few of them with any of you who is interested. 
"Bila dah duduk sana, atau mana-manalah tempat baru. Jaga kata-kata. Jangan suka-suka cakap lepas. Jaga hati,perasaan orang lain."
"Kita tak kenal hati budi semua orang. Hati-hati dengan semua orang. Orang sakitkan kita, pahit mana pun. Telan. Jangan luah. Jangan sampai kita sakitkan orang lain balik."
"Bina dan jaga benteng & perisai diri. Tu paling penting. Kuatnya benteng-benteng tu, InshaAllah kita terjaga." 
"Jangan asyik leka,lalai. Sedar diri kita bawa diri dekat tempat orang. Tempat baru. Jaga diri."
He keeps on repeating. Again and again.
"Ingat tau"
Knowing that the situation was so creepy-cold like we were all watching Munafik somewhere on Earth, he makes some good jokes.
"Makan sana sedap-sedap. Jangan risau makan. Nak lagi sedap gi Pulau Pangkor."
Does he knows that I used to tell my mom, i don't care how far i'm going to live in soon. As long as there's food and i can eat. That's all the things i concern. Lol.
20th of April 2016.
Early in the morning, he called my mum. The phone rang and a so long conversation just get started.
I was standing there, watching and listening if there's anything important that they're talking about.
I was damn sleepy. It was 8.30 a.m.
There it was. He put some advices again. I really wonder how concern he is, regarding my soon-to-travel obstacle. He keeps on telling on what should and shouldn't do.
There must be something, at least a reason why he keeps on advising even in every little detail.
Yes it is. There's something.
"Hati dia ada keras sikit. Mudah tunjukkan rasa tak suka bilamana dia tak suka sesuatu. Bahaya tu. Dan, dia mudah terpedaya. Sebab tu pesan kat dia.Hati-hati. Banyakkan sabar. Sebab tu risau"
There's silence in me.
I don't know how should i feel. Every little things he said is true. In fact, i'm quite taken aback. He knows my act, my true colours.
"Setakat manusia mampu baca isi hati kita, mula rasa malu dah tak tertanggung. Selama ni tiada apa yang tersembunyi dari pengetahuan Dia, tak malu? Barangkali kita lupa hakikat sebenar Al-Alim?" - Ira,2016.
"Jangan lupa sujud syukur untuk semua nikmat yang Allah bagi. Ucap Alhamdulillah, jangan lekang"
"Sebelum tidur pasang pendinding diri. Solat, baca doa. Pastikan tidur dalam diri berwudu'"


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